And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Quote-Unquote Comedy

And Then There Were Ten – in which our intrepid hero goes back and expands the Academy Award Best Picture nominations to ten nominations, and goes about filling those hypothetical slots. This time – it’s 2008. Check out the previous entries here.

Chapter 4: The Quote-Unquote Comedy (A Three-Way Throwdown)
It Happened One Night (1934) – first Best Picture comedy (image: AV Club)

The “Comedy.” If you’re even reading this multi-post treatise of speculative Oscarology, then you’re probably already aware that comedies generally get little respect in this arena. Since the successful days of comedy/musicals in the 1950s, nominations are hard to come by and wins are harder still for comedies. 2008 is no slouch in this judgment, with zero comedies nominated for BP – the funniest of the bunch is probably Slumdog Millionaire, but one would be hard pressed to consider that a chuckle fest – aside from the poo scene – poo is funny.

In this self-celebration of seriousness, comedies are ranked as less significant than traditional dramas. Why do they get less love in this respect than their other genre compatriots? I don’t know yet – so, an analysis of the nomination statistics is in order. And later on, I’ll create my own Sadness Index to figure out a winner.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Quote-Unquote Comedy”

Official Academy Awards Prediction: TJ Versus David

The official The Media By Us Oscar prediction showdown between TJ and David. Posted here for posterity, TJ and David talk through every single category for the February 26th ceremony:
(Image: DB Movies Blog)`


TJ: So, let’s start with the shorts. I’ve only seen one. But I’m picking it to win Best Animated Short. Piper was adorable.

David: Piper should be the leading candidate. It has also been awhile since Pixar has one in Best Animated Short – a lot of upsets.

TJ: And with Pixar not having a nomination in the feature category, this could be a decent secondary prize for the studio.

David: Poor Pixar. I hope the billions help. I have not seen nor will see any short for this year. So I’ll take your word.

TJ: It was good. I’ll watch them before the ceremony, I hope. I’m taking Joe’s Violin and Ennemis Interieurs for Doc Short and Live Action Short respectively. Those two categories seem a lot closer than Animated Short.

David: I like to go with the saddest sounding ones, not knowing a lot about them. Give me La Femme et la TGV (film), Blind Vasha (animated) and 4.1 Miles (doc) as some wild cards. Shorts are typically ballot bloodbaths – separating ties and declaring winners

TJ: Nice. I picked Joe’s Violin in hopes that it’s just 5 minutes of my old friend Joe holding a violin. I’d vote for that.

David: Joe seems like a good guy. Good for him.

Continue reading “Official Academy Awards Prediction: TJ Versus David”

And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Animated Exception

And Then There Were Ten – in which our intrepid hero goes back and expands the Academy Award Best Picture nominations to ten nominations, and goes about filling those hypothetical slots. This time – it’s 2008. Check out the previous entries here.

Chapter 3: The Pixar Touch of Gold (WALL*E)
WALL*E, our unconventional hero (image: Pixar Wiki)

Since the days of Steamboat Willie to the CGI movies of today, very few films have received top recognition in a Best Picture nomination. But the medium has also changed considerably during this time period. It’s hard to imagine the complicated and super-sad Anomalisa up against the bright songs of The Land Before Time, also super-sad in its own right. There are the children’s singalongs, hand-drawn for Disney from yesteryear, and there are the emotionally-wrought, complex and funny character studies that Pixar makes today for Disney.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Animated Exception”

And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Actors’ Showcase

And Then There Were Ten – in which our intrepid hero goes back and expands the Academy Award Best Picture nominations to ten nominations, and goes about filling those hypothetical slots. This time – it’s 2008 – the previous entry is The Dark Knight (Box Office Hero).

Chapter 2: Actors Acting for Acting Actors (Doubt)
Streep, Amy, and Hoffman on their debut EP cover art (image:

The Actors’ showcase is a great way for a film to get its foot in the Academy door. More than that, an actor-friendly film is an established pathway to not just multiple acting nominations, but typically a Best Picture nomination as well. The Academy has only about 6,000 members – nearly a fourth of the members are actors. It is not a stretch to posit that Academy members are capable and even pre-dispositioned to recognize its own department as the key to an exceptional film. Our beloved statistics bear this out as well.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Actors’ Showcase”

And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Box Office Hero

And Then There Were Ten – in which our intrepid hero goes back and expands the Academy Award Best Picture nominations to ten nominations, and goes about filling those hypothetical slots. This time – it’s 2008

Chapter 1: The Box Office Hero the Academy Deserves, Not the One It Needs Right Now (The Dark Knight

This candidate is my entire reason for coming up with this series. And many believe that this candidate missing out is the reason for the expansion. If you want to drive ratings for the broadcast ceremony, you want to select a movie that people have seen – and seen again – to the tune of over a billion in global box office. That would be nice. It also helps when a well-known movie is good.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Box Office Hero”

And Then There Were Ten – Expanding the Best Picture Nominees in 2008

Introduction: Why We Care

Courtesy: Free Commons
The Academy Awards. Where white people are finally recognized.

The Academy Awards holds a special place for many people – for some, it is a celebration of cinema, competition and glamour, with warm, family-time memories spent watching tuxedos and sparkling dresses exchange gold statues. For others, it is a backslapping, near-masturbatory, never-ending, annual slog about movies that you do not care about. And for a select portion of the population – it is an afterthought.

For years now, a cottage industry (which is an understatement – more like a mansion industry) has cropped up around prognosticating who gets what on the big night. For the awards nerds out there, the cinema equivalent of the Super Bowl is Oscar Nomination Day. The saying goes, it is an honor to be nominated – and there is truth to that. There are those among us who know when Nomination Day is coming up, and make plans to tune in the live webcast of the announcements early in the morning.

Why care? Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten – Expanding the Best Picture Nominees in 2008”