Talkie Talk Ep. 3: Begin Again, Again

Talkie Talk
Talkie Talk Ep. 3: Begin Again, Again

The third episode of The Media By Us pan-media podcast, Talkie Talk.

In this episode, we have Chris, Brent, TJ and David discuss last week’s homework (Begin Again) go into their Watchlist/Playlist, before going into REWATCHABILITY! – why we rewatch movies and TV, and replay video games – and some media that are favorites in this respect to enjoy again and again and again, and again… and again.

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And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Actors’ Showcase

And Then There Were Ten – in which our intrepid hero goes back and expands the Academy Award Best Picture nominations to ten nominations, and goes about filling those hypothetical slots. This time – it’s 2008 – the previous entry is The Dark Knight (Box Office Hero).

Chapter 2: Actors Acting for Acting Actors (Doubt)
Streep, Amy, and Hoffman on their debut EP cover art (image:

The Actors’ showcase is a great way for a film to get its foot in the Academy door. More than that, an actor-friendly film is an established pathway to not just multiple acting nominations, but typically a Best Picture nomination as well. The Academy has only about 6,000 members – nearly a fourth of the members are actors. It is not a stretch to posit that Academy members are capable and even pre-dispositioned to recognize its own department as the key to an exceptional film. Our beloved statistics bear this out as well.

Continue reading “And Then There Were Ten: 2008, The Actors’ Showcase”