Sherlock (Series 3)

Series 3 of the BBC’s Sherlock is tonally different than either season that came before, and that can be both good and bad. It’s a season that toys with its characters’ emotions more than ever, as the plots get more convoluted and wacky than before. It’s… a lot. But it’s also pretty tightly told, entertaining as ever, and some of the funniest Sherlock has to offer.

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Sherlock (Series 2)

Sherlock’s first season was mostly about setting the table. It was phenomenal in that respect, and it also gave us plenty of entertainment, but the point of that season was to introduce Holmes to Watson, illustrate Mycroft’s role in things, and introduce the chaotic evil force that is Moriarty. Series 2’s challenge, then, is to progress the characters in an impacting and fundamental way. Sherlock meets that challenge head-on, once again delivering some of the most gripping, thrilling television in recent years.

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