Deadpool 2 (2018)

[in theaters, for now]
Director: David Leitch
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccerin, Julian Dennison, Zazie Beetz, T.J. Miller

Some movies don’t possess the ability to be great. Before you see them, you just know. In an upcoming episode of Talkie Talk we talk about why game shows don’t usually have long shelf lives. The reason being, in our estimation, is because they get tired. They do the same thing over and over again. If they made 50 Deadpool movies with the same type of jokes (breaking the 4th wall, blending fiction and reality, etc.) you’d get very sick of watching the same movie over and over again. While Deadpool 2 doesn’t bore you that bad, it’s just not as fun and new as the first film.

The performances are as good as you’d expect. Ryan Reynolds delivers again performing a character seemingly written with him in mind. The most impressive work is done my newcomers to the series Josh Brolin and Zazie Beetz.

Josh Brolin as Cable in Deadpool 2 (credit: imdb)

Brolin plays Cable, a character they actually take time to develop, something that didn’t happen in the original Deadpool with any characters besides Wade himself. The story arc for Cable is actually somewhat shocking as they deliver his transformation so gradually that even when he does something out of necessity you find yourself wondering what exactly his motives are.

Zazie Beetz plays Domino. A super hero whose power is luck and therefore constantly in question. She is an absolute delight and has fantastic chemistry with Reynolds. Just a very fun character.

Zazie Beetz as Domino in Deadpool 2 (credit: imdb)

Deadpool continues its streak of finding characters that some people believe were ruined by the FOX X-men films. I won’t say more because I had zero idea that some characters were in this film and it was a pleasant surprise.

Deadpool 2 is simply one half-star (or whatever metric you use to rate films) worse than the original. But it still succeeds in doing it’s job. Making us laugh.


Is it Watchlist-worthy? Yep

Author: Teje

Teje's favorite movie where: Newman gets spit on - Jurassic Park, Kramer lights himself on fire - Airheads, Elaine plays a princess - A Bug's Life